Public Relations


IKEA Schweiz
Rod Kommunikation AG
Statement of Effectiveness

40+ articles in various leading media and a PR value of over ½ million CHF generate a high PR value for IKEA with an extremely low investment of resources and significantly strengthen the corporate brand.


IKEA is one of the most popular Swiss consumer brands — but still has little profile as a politically minded company and modern employer. With the clear statement on the polarizing issue of paternity leave and its “voting instructions” that trigger both identity-oriented and strong reactions, this is exactly what is changing. IKEA is interfering in an emotionally led voting campaign and is clearly showing its colors per father.The PR initiative “Fatherhood Leave” dominates reporting on parental leave for the company (including 45% share of voice versus Credit Suisse, Google or Lidl; 40+ articles in Div. leading media, >_ million CHF PR value) and gives IKEA high visibility in the media.” Vaterskaftsurlaub” gives IKEA a clear profile beyond “Billy”, “Lack” and “Poäng” and plays its part in winning the vote on paternity leave with a resounding “yes.”

Companies involved

Rod Kommunikation AG
IKEA Schweiz